Frequently asked questions

ACU is committed to the highest standards of ethical research, through promotion of the values outlined in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023), including Research Merit and Integrity, Justice, Beneficence and Respect.

Ethical clearance by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) must be sought and approved for all students and staff who intend to conduct and publish research with human participants or their data. This applies to:

  • funded and unfunded research.
  • research activities undertaken as a major requirement towards your degree.
  • Honours projects. 

This could include research that involves the following activities as outlined in the National Statement:

  • taking part in surveys, interviews or focus groups;
  • undergoing psychological, physiological or medical testing or treatment;
  • being observed by researchers;
  • researchers having access to their personal documents or other materials;
  • the collection and use of body organs, tissues or fluids (eg skin, blood, urine, saliva, hair, bones, tumour and other biopsy specimens) or their exhaled breath;
  • access to information (in individually identifiable, re-identifiable or nonidentifiable form) as part of an existing published or unpublished source or database e.g. from documents, medical records, databases, social media or websites etc)

You DO NOT need to apply for ethics approval if:

Chapter 5.3.1 of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023) states ‘each institution has the further responsibility to adopt a review process that eliminates any unnecessary duplication of ethical review.’. If a project has approval from an external NHMRC registered Australian HREC, and all components have ethics approval, projects can be registered by an expedited process at ACU.

If your project has been reviewed by an international ethics committee, your project will be considered for registration on a case-by-case basis. However, if you intend to recruit Australian participants, you will need to complete a new ACU application, and be reviewed by ACU’s NHMRC registered HREC to ensure your project complies with Australian ethical standards.

See the details for 'R - Registration'.

The risk profile of research applications determines the review process each application will be allocated to, and the associated timeframes for submission and review.

Only higher risk research and Honours projects reviewed by the School Approval Process (SAP) in the Faculty of Health Sciences, have submission deadlines and specific meeting dates. All other applications will be reviewed out of session, and have no submission deadlines. 

It is recommended you submit your application at least eight weeks before you intend starting your data collection to allow for the review process to be completed, as data collection cannot commence until the application has been approved.

Please see the risk profiles to determine which review process is suitable for your specific research project and the associated timeframes for submission and review. 

You should not commence your research until you have obtained ethics clearance from the ACU HREC. The HREC cannot grant retrospective approval and ethics approval must be sought prior to any research activity beyond scoping. 

If ACU HREC is the only Ethics Committee involved in the approval of your protocol, you can commence contacting potential participants from the date indicated in the email you receive confirming the approval of the proposed protocol.

Be aware that the decision and authority to commence collecting data may be dependent on factors beyond the control of the ACU ethics review process.

If your research requires ethics clearance or permissions from other organisations, data collection should not commence until you have also satisfied their requirements.

The risk profile of research applications determines the review process each application will be allocated to, and the associated timeframes for submission and review.

Please see the risk profiles to determine which review process is suitable for your specific research project. 

Have a question about ethics approval?

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Page last updated on 28/08/2024

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